Short Fiction Editing Service
Line Edits
0-2,000 Words: $60
2,000-4,000 Words: $120
4,000-6,000 Words: $180
6,000-8,000 Words: $240
If you have a longer work or a book-length collection of short stories, please reach out via our contact page.
We'll have the critique in your inbox in less than three weeks from the date of submission (6,000-8,000 word submissions may take up to four weeks); more often than not, the turnaround is faster.
From the line edit, you can expect extensive marginalia that details first impressions and line edits alongside a few paragraphs detailing the larger weaknesses of the work. I’ll give you extensive feedback on one draft of the work, including both a micro and macro assessment of the story. The individual line edits may include grammar and phrasing issues, but they are not the primary focus. The number of line edits may at times seem overwhelming because I don't believe in capping my critique; I'll spend as much time as necessary discussing the work's weaknesses and every submitter is welcome to ask for additional clarification on my critique if ever unclear. Often, I'll also include recommended reading (usually craft essay/book recommendations that pertain to your weaknesses). Please submit only one story per submission.
Please note that the line editing service is considerably more significant than the developmental option, and most stories are recommended for this service over the developmental option.
Every fiction writer who Driftwood Press publishes goes through an extensive line edit; from this service, you can expect the same attention given to your work as we'd give to our contributors. However, please note that going through this process does not place you in consideration for publication, nor will making our recommended fixes ensure you a spot in the issue if you decide to submit the work to us separately. All that this service offers is a detailed, comprehensive critique by Driftwood Press’ managing fiction editor; it is entirely separate from the submission process.
0-2,000 Words: $30
2,000-4,000 Words: $60
4,000-6,000 Words: $90
6,000-8,000 Words: $120
We'll have the critique in your inbox in less than two weeks from the date of submission (6,000-8,000 word submissions may take up to three weeks); more often than not, the turnaround is faster.
From the developmental critique, you can expect a several paragraph write-up of the major issues I see in your work. I’ll give you extensive feedback on one draft of the work, including both a micro and macro assessment of the story. Though most developmental critiques will be a few paragraphs, I don't believe in capping my critique; I'll spend as much time as necessary discussing the work's major weaknesses and every submitter is welcome to ask for additional clarification on my critique if ever unclear. Often, I'll also include recommended reading (usually craft essay/book recommendations that pertain to your weaknesses). Please submit only one story per submission.
Of the two services, the line edit is more comprehensive and actionable, but the developmental critique will be very useful for later, nearly finished drafts of a story.
Please note that going through this process does not place you in consideration for publication, nor will making our recommended fixes ensure you a spot in the issue if you decide to submit the work to us separately. All that this service offers is a detailed, comprehensive critique by Driftwood Press’ managing fiction editor; it is entirely separate from the submission process.