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Big Gorgeous Jazz Machine

Nick Potter's Big Gorgeous Jazz Machine is a collection of experimental graphic works and comics poetry that takes on one experiment at a time, mixing lyrical comics with abstract, conceptual works.

”A lovely collection of poetry comics that don’t fear the page, the materials, or the reader. Every piece pushes a little deeper than you can anticipate, and every page shows off a fresh new experiment. Considered, organic, delectable!”

— Sam Alden, author of New Construction

"Potter is a genius at taking the mundane and converting it into a kaleidoscopic tool of percipient humor and incisive wisdom. His drawings, unlike Edward Gorey’s, are a cauldron of colors, globetrot you into a psychedelic voyage, and strap you on a lexical, graphitic seatbelt just so you could feel graphemically and hallucinogenically safe in his supercalifragilisticexpialidocious world."

—Vi Khi Nao, author of Fish in Exile

"These works, that are a delight to the eye, and a dream for the ear—are exactly what I look for in poetry comics. They experiment with visions of text (and absence of text) and our human greed for narrative."

— Bianca Stone, author of The Mobius Strip Club of Grief

Cover Artist: Nick Francis Potter

Cover Designer: Nick Francis Potter & Sally Franckowiak

Nick Francis Potter is a writer, cartoonist, and educator living in Columbia, Missouri. He is the author of New Animals, winner of the Subito Press Prize for Innovative Prose, published in 2016. His prose and comics have been featured in Ninth Letter, Black WarriorReview, Sleepingfish, Caketrain, Fourteen Hills, The Chattahoo-chee Review, and The Los Angeles Review of Books, among many others. He is the comics editor for ANMLY (formerly Drunken Boat).He has an MFA from Brown University and a PhD in English from the University of Missouri, where he currently teaches writing andtheory in the Digital Storytelling Program.

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Comic Collection


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