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Bark On

“Every sentence, every paragraph, is dense with inventive language. […] Driven by uncanny energy and imagination, Bark On is a gripping and insightful novel.”


—Kristin Rabe at Foreword Reviews



"Bark On is one of the strongest debut novels I’ve read in years. There’s nothing weak about it, in fact: from the sentences to the story to the beating heart of it all, this book has an extraordinary musculature. I really enjoyed this novel."


— Daniel Wallace, Author of Big Fish



"Boyle’s novel is an intense, hectic work with a terrific premise and lifelike, earthy characters that all easily express what drives them. The narrative shows a fervor for language and boundless energy..."


—Kirkus Reviews




Author: Mason Boyles

Genre: Novel

ISBN: 978-1-949065-18-3

Page Count: 362

Release Date: February 28 2023


**Cover Art by Jessica Seamans

**Cover Design by James McNulty & Sally Franckowiak

Bark On

$25.99 Regular Price
$19.99Sale Price
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