Driftwood Press Short Story Contest
Submissions will be open from September 1st until January 31st.
To alleviate wait times on your end, we will be declining and accepting submissions as we read them. All submissions accepted will initially be given runner-up status. In April or May, one of the runner-ups will be awarded the Grand Prize.
Winner and runner-ups will be published in our annual anthology.
The Grand Prize winner will receive $400 USD and five copies of the issue in which the story appears. The winner will also have the opportunity to be interviewed about their work; the interview will be published alongside the story.
Runner-ups will be offered publication, an accompanying interview, $200 USD, and one copy of the issue in which their work appears.
Past Contest Winners
Fiction only.
1,000-5,000 soft word limit.
A standard, 12-point font and single-spacing is preferred.
The work must not have been previously published.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw the work if the story has been accepted elsewhere.
Submit works written in English only, no translations.
Please submit your manuscript in a .doc, .docx, or PDF format.
We read submissions anonymously, so please do not include your name, email, or any identifying characteristics on the manuscript itself. All work is considered by two editors.
While AI may be useful as a researching tool, we do not accept AI generated submissions.
Submission fee is $30.00 USD. Each submitter will receive a free copy of a Driftwood Press fiction title of their choosing in the mail.